Achieving Your Goals – Debra Levy

Debra Levy, a Certified Life Coach and Productivity Specialist, is the owner of A Life That Fits, LLC.  She is dedicated to helping people make time and space for what matters most in their lives.

In this episode, Debra tells us how she works with her clients to clarify what is important to them, what will make them feel happy and fulfilled, and to determine what guidance and support is required to create the life they want. She focuses on areas that are a struggle for many, including time management, space organization, establishing healthy boundaries, and setting of priorities.

Together, Debra and her clients work on gaining insight into their own natural abilities, modalities, and tendencies, craft unique strategies to help them make room for their big-picture goals, and implement step-by-step solutions to help them get from where they are, to where they want to be.

She’s here to partner with her clients on a thought-provoking and productive journey to envision “A Life That Fits” their values and dreams and provide the motivation and accountability to maximize their potential.

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